Do Trigger Point Injections Require Numbing?

When it comes to treating chronic muscle pain, trigger point injections are a viable option. During the procedure, a healthcare professional inserts a small needle into the patient's activation point, and a local anesthetic is used to numb the area so that the patient can stay in relative comfort. The injection is then given and a small bandage is placed over the injection site. Trigger points are bundles of very sensitive fibers in tight muscle bands that can cause pain not only in the affected muscle, but also in a distant area, referred to as referred pain.

When compressed by touch or any movement, they emit a painful sensation. Injections at trigger points with anesthetics cause the pain area to remain latent and reduce the sensation of pain. When mixed with corticosteroids, the drug not only soothes affected muscles, but also treats spasms and inflamed tissues. Botox injections can also be used to paralyze the muscle to ensure you don't feel the pinch when you move.

Trigger point injections can help relieve symptoms of myofascial pain syndrome, a chronic pain condition that affects muscles and surrounding tissue. People with more myofascial trigger points were more sensitive to pressure pain than those with fewer points. To help muscles relax and optimize the effects of injections, stretching after trigger point injections is an integral component after the procedure. Ultrasound imaging can help minimize the risk of developing a serious complication from trigger-point injections. Trigger point injections may provide immediate pain relief for some people, while others may not respond to treatment.

However, they are still a viable option for treating pain referred to and the reduction in functionality associated with muscle sensitivity.

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