What happens if trigger points are left untreated?

If left untreated, trigger points can cause more physical problems and pain. Tight bands of tissue at the trigger points may restrict the movement of the affected muscle. Myofascial pain can worsen if left untreated for a long period of time. In addition, you may also feel more pain if the trigger point or affected muscle is tight or stretched.

In addition, being exposed to cold temperatures or climates, having poor posture, not sleeping enough, smoking and injury, among other factors, can also trigger and worsen MPS. Approximately 74% of trigger points are not in the same place where a person feels symptoms, so by knowing and understanding the reference patterns of pain, we physical therapists can find the main source of pain. Trigger points are defined as associated hyperirritable areas within a tight muscle band that hurt when compressing, contracting, or stretching the muscle and often remit pain further away from the location of the tight band (see reference). Most of the symptoms of trigger points reported by a person come from active trigger points, and often those dense, tight bands of muscle can compress and trap many types of nerves, causing a complex variety of symptoms.

The original way is by releasing the trigger point, which consists of using a tight grip or a tool in which direct pressure on the trigger point for 30 to 120 seconds, according to research, can release and soften a nodule. Once released, muscle tissue must move throughout its range of motion, so your physical therapist will provide stretching and range of motion, as well as postural retraining exercises. This postural strain can cause activation points that lead to active activation points, causing radiating somatic pain, muscle atrophy, fibrosis or tissue hardening and a decrease in tensile strength. One theory states that activation points are formed by the excessive release of a chemical called acetylcholine, which causes a sustained depolarization of muscle fibers, leading to a sustained contraction of muscle fibers.

A trigger point is a very sensitive point in the muscle that continuously sends pain signals to the brain through the nervous system. Those latent trigger points are those muscle knots that often aren't noticed unless directly pressed, and that will go unnoticed at first and possibly for years. While a latent trigger point rarely causes a person to complain of pain, it can often restrict or distort normal movement patterns and cause stiffness and weakness. If the person suffering from the trigger points is an older adult, it is essential that they seek medical care and physical therapy for older people, otherwise it may cause permanent disability.

Trigger points are known to prevent athletes from performing optimally and, in some cases, are debilitating. This active trigger point is a painful phase that produces debilitating and relentless symptoms that include reference pain patterns in other regions with dull pain, deep and pressing pain, burning or a feeling of numbness and fatigue. So what are those muscle knots? If the muscle knot seems to persist over a period of time, it's likely what we physical therapists call a trigger point. Trigger points may refer to pain in the local area or in other areas; the most common patterns are well documented and diagrammed.

Other, less common causes of trigger points are due to nutritional and metabolic factors, and while few studies have demonstrated the exact effect of these factors on trigger points, there is extensive specialized clinical experience suggesting that low, normal and subnormal levels of vitamins and minerals act as strong factors that perpetuate triggers. .

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