How Long Does a Trigger Point Injection Last?

On average, pain relief with a Trigger Point injection lasts around 30 days. The intensity of the injury or condition may influence the duration of the medication. How often you get the injection can also affect how long you don't feel pain. Your doctor will help you create an effective treatment plan. After treatment with Trigger Point Injection, patients can use the treated muscle, but are asked to avoid strenuous activities for a few days.

Most people will experience pain relief 24 to 72 hours after the injection. Pain relief may last for about a month. Recurrent injections may be necessary to achieve long-term pain relief. If the injections only consist of anesthesia, patients may receive injections more frequently than if they also contain steroid medications. This is because steroids increase the risk of tissue damage.

Anesthetic drug injections at the trigger point usually work within a few hours. Steroid injections may work two weeks after the injection, or they may not work at all. Some individuals get relief from dry needling, while others don't. One of the services that people are constantly requesting are Trigger Point injections. They are becoming increasingly popular and at Active Medical Center we always want our patients to know exactly what they are receiving and why it will help them.

So, these are some of the common questions we receive on an almost daily basis. Trigger point injections are a pain control treatment that involves injecting a local anesthetic, sometimes combined with a steroid medication, into a trigger point to relax muscles and relieve pain. In some cases, a trigger point can even cause pain in another area of the body when it affects a nearby nerve; this is called referred pain. The most common risks associated with these injections include bleeding or infection at the site of the injection. Common side effects that occur after an injection at the trigger point include numbness or pain at the site of the injection. Studies have shown that people with episodic migraines have a significantly greater number of trigger points than those who do not suffer from migraines.

Headaches Trigger points in the head, neck and shoulders can contribute to tension headaches and migraines. After trigger-point injections, you may experience a dramatic improvement in pain and in your ability to perform various activities without needing to take pain medications for several days or months. Trigger points can also appear on the lower back and other limbs, as well as on the upper part of the spine. Side effects depend on the type of medication the injection contains, and most of them only occur at the site of the injection. Trigger points that arise due to chronic conditions (fibromyalgia and myofascial pain syndrome) keep recurring.

During injection therapy at the trigger point, a medical professional will inject small amounts of steroids and anesthetics to relieve muscle pain. However, the effect of a steroid on trigger-point injections can last from several weeks to several months. A trigger point is usually identified as a “knot”, a bump under the skin that can cause pain in the area where it developed. A trigger point is a sore spot in the muscle that feels like a knot under the skin or a tight muscle band.

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